New Amsterdam紐約新醫革命第四季Lauren and Leyla (Leyren)雜記 這一對我應該不會有衝動每一集碎念,放一篇加減記好像是一個不錯的方式😁 401 一整集兩人的互動都很有喜劇感😄 S4設定在S3的三周後,Leyla第一天上班啦,Lauren在訓話後,很"貼心"的宣告Leyla是他女朋友,然後就丟Leyla一個人面對眾人目光😂 x 其實我看到的時候覺得也太帥就降霸氣宣告,後來Leyla生氣Lauren沒遵守約定才想到好像不對勁XD leyla: why are you telling everyone about our rs in my first day? /mad lauren: *chewing leyla out about a patient in front of everyone* am i making myself clear? leyla: yes, doctor bloom then both smiled at the end is this somekind of roleplay for them? 😂 #leyren #newamsterdam — jo (@bloomintoleyla) September 22, 2021 這幕整個喜感(?) XD 還好Lauren知道後面要演一下,在大家面前狠罵Leyla一頓,看兩人偷笑的,算過了第一關啦~ i know lauren revealing leyla as her gf on her first day isn't deal and messed up but this is the first ime woman is in love and she's this whipped already, she has no idea how to navig